Rain on the hood
Enjoying a nice warm evening and the view, with summer rain hitting the hood of my jacket, after a day out hiking in the Lakes. The Skylark was out in force too and so were the sheep. Just as I fire up…
Enjoying a nice warm evening and the view, with summer rain hitting the hood of my jacket, after a day out hiking in the Lakes. The Skylark was out in force too and so were the sheep. Just as I fire up…
This bird was singing along in the woods in Scotland. I remember camping in in the woods in Denmark and Sweden when I was younger. I could hear the wind in the trees making the creak, along with birds…
Getting ready for an early morning walk in the Lake District and wild ponies trotted up to us to say hi. You can hear I had to move the mic a few times, as one of them was about to try to eat the “dead…
Out walkies and taking a shortcut through the local allotment. Plenty of Blackbirds and Robins and gardeners out and about, and you can hear my dog running around too. Trying out my new Roland CS-10Em…
My first attempt to partake in the World Listenig Day – The Collective Field 2020. I often go down into a little woodland/park in town to sit and think about about the world while my dog gets to have a…
The afternoon before, this river in Littondale was roaring away, sadly the wind was too strong to record it. Less than 24 hours later it is just a little trickle. Hard to believe that yesterday you didn’t…
So, they say that you should go to the country side, in this case Littondale, and enjoy the fresh air, views and quiet. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Well, when nature starts waking at 4am,…
Recorded in the local playground, at a time when it would be normally full of kids playing after school. The little park where the playground is also a popular cut-through, which makes this little park…
Caerlaverock Castle, in Scotland, stunning little castle, well worth a visit. Your browser does not support the audio tag. It was full of pigeons, when you walked up to a tower or dungeon they went all…
I walk this path twice a day, through a little bit of “woodland”, located between the trees on the bank down to the train line and the trees next to/in the allotments. Your browser does not support the…
Well not really, since you got the sound of the stream, waterfalls, birds and the wind in the trees. Yet it is a good place to go and get away from the “normal” buzz of the town or office. Where you can…
Was moaning a bit when our dog woke me up at 4:40am for a nature call. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Couldn’t really get angry with her, as I got to hear and see this, even though my bed…
We were cycling the Queen Charlotte trail in NZ. Every morning we got woken up to this. Kicked off at about 3:30am and by 4:15am it was at a fever pitch, with no chance of falling back asleep. Some of…